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Change social apps to change climate change

Every time you see an ad on Treebook, you're giving back to nature, as 100% of the net-profits we earn from ads go to protect our rainforests, oceans, and our fellow species.


Delete Greed

Compare Treebook with the other social apps. Companies who take all the DATA money for themselves, to become richer and richer. All the money keeps going to tech billionaires, leading to an ever increasing wealth gap in society.


Download Life

Treebook, on the other hand, gives all the net profits from ads - to nature.

Our mission is to fight climate change with an addictive social app. By giving instead of taking, we turn the attention economy green. Advertising can fund the green revolution.


Treebook is a movement. We take from Silicon Valley, and we give to nature. Join us, and together we will turn social media into a force for nature.

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